Music! Dancing! Leg warmers and cat
Yes, we went to see the apparently
immortal Cats, at the London Palladium yesterday, courtesy of the
And what a strange, lovely, dreadful,
incredible show it was too!
We were all so tired we could hardly
keep our eyes open, after a big weekend of sixteenth birthdays and
illness, but we dragged ourselves through the Arctic winds and all
the way into London – my favourite city in the world – and into
the red carpeted and faded splendour of the Palladium. And it was
worth nearly every minute – even the awful parts.
The dancing and singing, was, of
course, superb. And after a lifetime spent dissing Andrew Lloyd
Webber, I have a new-found respect for him after having been
subjected to the music from Wicked, Lion King and, of course, the
world's favourite fart song, Let it Go. He might take his best ideas
from other people, but he sure can write a good tune – one that is
memorable, easy to sing and doesn't necessarily require one to whine.
And if you think that Beethoven was the master of stringing out a
coda, then just have a listen to old ALW.
However. I have never been to Cats,
though have played the music from it numerous times – usually in
lush orchestral arrangements. So it was quite a shock – and not
necessarily a pleasant one! - to hear it in all it's original 1980's
twangy synthesiser colour. In fact, I was (stupidly perhaps!)
surprised as to quite how dated the whole thing was, with the big
hair and make-up and, as pre-noted – the Jane Fonda leg warmers.
They have beefed up one of the cats into being a New York street
dancer – with beautiful British diction of course – and Juliette
particularly enjoyed that, which was a relief after the digging me in
ribs every time old Deuteronomy sang flat. Not that my children are
at all judgmental,you understand. They have also beefed up the amplification, which was a pity as it meant that you could hardly hear the
singers when the band was playing forte, so you had no idea why they
were all singing about Umbilical cats, or dancing around with cereal
packets on their feet or pink wings on their backs. But that didn't
really seem to matter, as it was mainly about the spectacle of the
After the show, we exited, with a mass
of people all heading for Oxford Circus station, then on to
Marylebone, all amongst crowds of chattering theatre goers, all
perfume and spangles, faces alight, clutching programmes from various
concerts and shows throughout London. And all this on a Monday night
in February.
Oh, the intoxication of it all! You
trundle up an escalator, past the posters for Wicked, War Horse,
Carmina Burana - the ballet - The 39 Steps – now,
along with just about every book ever written, a major singing and
dancing triumph, (Just waiting for Wolf Hall, The Musical, starring
Robbie Williams as Cromwell) Billy Elliott, The Lion King etc etc and
your brain fizzes and jumps with the excitement of it all. This is
London! It is all here for the taking! We could go to see anything!
And then you realise that no, that only
applies to Millionaires. London is the city of beautiful people, the
rich and talented, the famous and historical, the infamous and the
And you go home to your little village
and get up four hours later to drive your children to school,
everybody grumpy and tired and grey, in the golden light of dawn. Hey
ho, the wind and the rain. Or something like that.